Every Sunday there is a traditional communion service at 08:00 followed by a less formal 10:30 service, which is usually a communion service.
The All Age Communion Service on the first Sunday of each month is especially popular. Sunday evening services are at 18:30 and they alternate between communion and evening prayer. We also have weekly evening prayer and Bible study on Wednesdays at 19:00.
Every Sunday we host open church from 2-5pm. Come and look around, or come with your christening, wedding or churchyard enquiries, or light a candle and enjoy some peace and quiet. All are welcome to any of our services or open church times.
A quiet, reflective traditional communion service held in the beautiful Tatton Chapel.
Drop in and look around our beautiful church building. Enjoy the stillness, say a prayer, light a candle. We also discuss baptism, wedding and committal of ashes applications at this time.
An informal, reflective time of Bible Study and Common Worship Evening Prayer.
A quiet, reflective service of Common Worship Evening Prayer.
An informal, interactive Common Worship communion service for all ages. Messy Communion: themed crafting, fun and informal worship for the whole family.
Our next Messy Communion Service – celebrating St. David – will be on 2nd March 2025. All are welcome on the day, but if possible (to help with our preparation), please book for crafting via stwilfridsrector@gmail.com
An informal reflective time of prayer for healing and wholeness, using a variety of liturgies, including Iona, Taize and Common Worship.
Common Worship Communion Service with self-service children’s books and toys.